Monday, November 23, 2009

One of the Worst Nights of my Life

This picture is of a stream on the side of Clinton Rd. The picture is very peaceful and the stream is rather relaxing to listen to. The road is very long and separated from many houses. Since this road is ten miles long it is very windy and if you are not familiar with the road you could possibly go off the road. Depending on the time of day you could possibly only see one car in several hours.
On December 23,2008 my life was altered in a way that I care not to ever repeat. My daughter was coming home from a friends house and two nights before we received our first snow storm of the year. My daughter was 17 and had been driving for nine months. She is a responsible person and was driving very cautious on her way home. It was about 5 pm, getting dark and as she approached a curve in the road her car chose not to respond in a appropriate way. She flipped her car and landed in the stream. She was under 2 feet of water and could not remember how she got there. Luckly someone was behind her and helped her and called the police. When I recieved that phone call ,my heart broke due to the fear I felt of the possiblity of losing one of my kids. Still till this day this turnmoil is repeated in my memory and I thank the heavens above by allowing my daughter to live and walk away with some bumps and bruises.

1 comment:

  1. Lorraine,

    What a story about your daughter. Oh my God! She is lucky that the angels were looking out for her. I know the road and it is dark and loney and hardly a car in sight at times. This road was featured once in "Weird New Jersey" and the piece mentioned that there are people who live along this road who terrorize strangers. I don't know if this is true, but it makes for a good Halloween story.
